The adventure begins. :)
Ode to My People
Inspired by some of the great mommy blogs that are out there, I decided to whip out my own cyber quill and get scribblin'. I always thought I was a somewhat well-adjusted individual, but, hey guess what? Venting is my thing too! Finding a cult devoted to the art of it via these mommy blogs was like submitting to that little voice in your head which assures you that you're not quite as batshit bonkers as you previously believed.
The bloggie that snipped away any reservations I might have had about cyber-scribing can be found here: Slacker-Moms-r-us
I discovered it yesterday while googling that famous oddity known as the tiddy bear and I became instantly smitten. (Mind the cliche). That's right. Who would have pegged the tiddy bear for such a giver?
Mommy!!!! :D
Hey Great Blog!
Welcome to the blogosphere! I can't wait to "hear" your vents. Pollyanna posts are soooo boring.
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